@component('mail::layout', ['layoutColor' => $layoutColor, 'pixelUrl' => $pixelUrl]) @component('mail::header', ['color' => $layoutColor]) You've been invited. @endcomponent @component('mail::body') Hello {{ $name }},

You've been selected to take part in the Steople Leading for Performance & Wellbeing Survey as a reviewer for {{ $subjectName }}. We trust they have spoken with you and you agree to provide feedback. This online assessment is intended to assist {{ $subjectFullName }} in their development as a leader. It has been designed to gather information on specific elements proven to be critically important for effective leadership, engaging others and consistently delivering results through teams. The results will provide {{ $subjectName }} with valuable insight to their current leadership {{__('behaviours')}} and practices. They will also enable {{ $subjectName }} to focus on their specific development opportunities, building on existing leadership capabilities. In answering this feedback assessment, you will be describing your perception of {{__('behaviour')}} and practices as they relate to leadership. Please respond candidly and as best you can. If you are asked to rate a question that you can’t answer, or doesn’t apply to {{ $subjectName }}'s role, please select the No Opportunity to Observe option. In addition to the 'scoring' section of the assessment, you are also requested to provide some qualitative feedback in the free text fields provided at the end of the survey. Experience has shown us that this free text feedback is invaluable in helping {{ $subjectName }} understand the context of the ratings received. {!! $emailTemplate->body !!} Please complete this survey by **{{ $due_date }}**. The survey will take approximately {{ $survey_duration }} to complete. @component('mail::button', ['url' => $invitationUrl, 'color' => $layoutColor]) Get started @endcomponent
Please be aware that although the responses from other rater groups will be combined to de-identify the participants and maintain confidentiality, manager responses will not be confidential as to ensure specific strength and development areas are identified. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@steople.com.au. Thank you! @endcomponent @endcomponent