@component('mail::layout', ['layoutColor' => $layoutColor, 'pixelUrl' => $pixelUrl])
@component('mail::header', ['color' => $layoutColor])
You've been invited.
Hello {{ $name }},
You are invited to complete the Steople Psychological Safety Assessment as part of the upcoming workshop with Steople.
{!! $emailTemplate->body !!}
@component('mail::button', ['url' => $invitationUrl, 'color' => $layoutColor])
Get started now
Please respond to the items in a way that best represents your opinion. **This Assessment will close at 5pm on {{ $due_date }}**.
To ensure confidentiality all responses will be unidentifiable in Steople reporting. Results will only be reported in group form and not as individual responses. Any written comments provided will be included in the final report, so please make sure to respond in a manner that will allow you to remain anonymous.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@steople.com.au.
Thank you!