

About High Performing Teams ........ 3
The Steople Performance Teams™ Model ........ 3
How to Interpret this Report ........ 5
Item Level Breakdown ........ 10
Highest Rated Key Actions – Key Strengths ........ 16
Lowest Rated Key Actions – Areas for Development ........ 17
What to do next? ........ 18
Action Plan ........ 19
About This Report

This report has been generated as part of the High Performance Teams Workshop for {{$companyName}}.

This report was produced by Steople Pty Ltd. It has been derived from the responses of an assessment completed by the participants of the {{$companyName}} as of {{$formattedDatePage2}}. This report directly reflects the responses made by all participants, providing the ability to identify team strengths and key focus areas.

All responses have been de-identified to protect the identity of each rater.

The information contained in this report is strictly confidential and is potentially sensitive. Every effort should be made to ensure that it is stored in a secure place.


The Steople High Performance Teams™ Model

In order for teams to perform at a sustained high level there are 7 critical factors that must be present:

@if(isset($charts['chartImage1'])) Image @endif


  • Direction – clear direction for the team on each level – understanding the goals, purpose and vision
  • Clarity – clarity of roles and responsibilities (i.e. everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing and how this fits into the team plan)
  • Balance/Diversity – wide variety (and the right balance) of thinking styles, traits and attitudes which enables the team to contribute with different ideas
  • Interdependency – there is a real understanding that the success of the team is dependent on the overlapping responsibilities of each team member and collaboration of all team members
  • Communication – effective communication systems (both formal & informal) which enable smooth information sharing and provide all team members with the information they need
  • Commitment – common commitment to the purpose and direction of the team beyond personal goals and aspirations
  • Trust – the ability of team members to demonstrate and engender trust in each other's capabilities and also, personally in a genuine and authentic manner.

About High Performing Teams

As organisational challenges become increasingly complex and varied, multiple skillsets are often required to successfully complete projects and achieve performance goals. Organisations and their leaders recognise that a team composed of individuals with complementary skills who unite to achieve a common purpose will most effectively complete the tasks required. This combined effort results in work outputs which are greater than what one individual team member could achieve alone.

Research into high-performance teams has consistently found they exhibit several core elements which include direction, balance, clarity, interdependency, communication, commitment and trust.

p. 3

How to interpret this report

This report summarises feedback from all participants and is segmented into the seven categories of the Steople High Performance Teams™ Model.

Participants were asked to indicate to what extent they agree with a statement on a scale of 1 to 10, whereby 1 is equal to strongly disagree and 7 is strongly agree.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

As in the example below, each coloured bar indicates the mean score calculated using the survey answers. The range of participant ratings is indicated by a line below the bar.

@if(isset($charts['chartImage2'])) Image @endif


High Performance Teams

This section shows a summary of the average score as self-rated by participants.

Overall Team Score of


out of 7

@if(isset($charts['chartImage3'])) Chart Image @else Performance Image @endif
range Team Range

Overall Team Score of

{{ $surveyAverages['CLARITY']['totalAverage'] }}

out of 7


Of roles and expectations


I am clear about how my role is different from others in the team

I am clear on the key priorities and focus areas for my role

I DO NOT know what success looks like for my role

I have a clear understanding of how I contribute to my team

I know how my role contributes to the team direction and strategy

@if(isset($charts['chartImage4'])) Image @else Image @endif
range Team Range

Overall Team Score of

{{ $surveyAverages['INTERDEPENDENCY']['totalAverage'] }}

out of 7


A real understanding that the success of the team is dependent on the overlapping responsibilities of each team member


All my team members are united to deliver our team vision

I DO NOT always receive help from my team members when I need it

I have a good understanding of the roles of my other team members

My team has a strong culture of collaboration and working together to achieve our shared goals

My team shares responsibility for the achievement of agreed outcomes

Our team delivers higher-quality work when all team members cooperate closely together

@if(isset($charts['chartImage5'])) Image @else Image @endif
range Team Range

Overall Team Score of

{{ $surveyAverages['DIRECTION']['totalAverage'] }}

out of 7


Clear direction for the team


I have a clear understanding of my team’s objectives and goals

I have a strong understanding of the purpose and the meaning of my team’s work

My team has a clear understanding of where we are going

My team has an effective long-term strategic plan in place

My team has the right balance of operational and strategic meetings to discuss both short and long-term objectives

Our formal meetings are aligned with our team’s direction

Our formal meetings DO NOT end with specific actions

My team has an effective short-term strategic plan in place

@if(isset($charts['chartImage6'])) Image @else Image @endif
range Team Range

Overall Team Score of

{{$surveyAverages['BALANCE']['totalAverage'] }}

out of 7


Drives talent development for the function and develops capability to deliver



 My team comprises individuals from varying backgrounds and perspectives

 My team members have a diverse set of traits, behaviours and attitudes

 My team members often contribute to discussions with varied viewpoints

 My team members’ styles and capabilities complement one another

 My team often draws on our diversity to find varied solutions to team challenges

  The diverse work styles of my team members enhance our team’s performance

  The diversity of my team members helps us achieve our goals



My team comprises individuals from varying backgrounds and perspectives

My team members have a diverse set of traits, behaviours and attitudes

My team members often contribute to discussions with varied viewpoints

My team members’ styles and capabilities complement one another

My team often draws on our diversity to find varied solutions to team challenges

The diverse work styles of my team members enhance our team’s performance

The diversity of my team members helps us achieve our goals

@if(isset($charts['chartImage7'])) Image @else Image @endif
range Team Range

Overall Team Score of

{{$surveyAverages['COMMITMENT']['totalAverage'] }}

out of 7


Common commitment to the purpose and direction of the team beyond personal goals and aspirations


Achieving our team goal is a higher priority than any individual objective

All my team members are accountable for contributing to the team’s success

My team members are more committed to our shared objectives than individual objectives

My team members often step up to help the team to be more successful

My team members regularly put the team’s needs ahead of their own ambitions

My team members willingly make sacrifices for the benefit of the team

@if(isset($charts['chartImage8'])) Image @else Image @endif
range Team Range

Overall Team Score of

{{$surveyAverages['COMMUNICATION']['totalAverage'] }}

out of 7


Effective communication systems, processes and styles


Flow of information through our formal communication channels (emails, meetings, etc. ) is structured and easy to follow

I DO NOT regularly receive constructive feedback from my team members

My team members ask questions to make sure their understanding of our discussions is correct

My team members communicate with each other frequently enough to keep each other well informed

My team members regularly give constructive feedback to each other

The way my team members communicate with each other ensures that our meetings are effective and to the point

@if(isset($charts['chartImage9'])) Image @else Image @endif
range Team Range

Overall Team Score of

{{$surveyAverages['TRUST']['totalAverage'] }}

out of 7


Effective communication systems, processes and styles


It feels safe in my team to say what you think without there being negative consequences

My team creates an environment where it is safe to take risks

My team demonstrates and engenders trust in each other

My team members bring up problems and tough issues

My team members demonstrate credibility through being good at what they do

My team members show reliability through behaving in a consistent manner over time

My team members willingly talk about the mistakes they’ve made

@if(isset($charts['chartImage10'])) Image @endif
range Team Range

Verbatim comments

A summary of the open-text responses for participants in the survey.

@if (!empty($verbatimsPage13) && is_array($verbatimsPage13)) @foreach ($verbatimsPage13 as $row) @endforeach @else @endif
Open Feedback
{{ $row }}
No data available

Highest Rated Key Actions – Key Strengths

@foreach ($highestAveragesPage14 as $row) @foreach ($row as $cellIndex => $cell) @endforeach @endforeach
Key Action Capability Avg. Rating
@if (is_numeric($cell)) {{ number_format($cell, 1) }} @else {{ $cell }} @endif

Lowest Rated Key Actions – Areas for Development

@php // Ensure $row is an array and sort it if (is_array($lowestAveragesPage15)) { asort($lowestAveragesPage15); // Sort the array by values in ascending order $lowestValues = array_slice($lowestAveragesPage15, 0, 8, true); // Get the lowest 8 values while preserving keys } @endphp @foreach ($lowestValues as $row) @foreach ($row as $cellIndex => $cell) @endforeach @endforeach
Key Action Capability Avg. Rating
@if (is_numeric($cell)) {{ number_format($cell, 1) }} @else {{ $cell }} @endif


Wurundjeri Land
Level 2, 20-24 Guildford Lane
Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Phone: +61 382561665
Email: melbourne@steople.com.au


Ngunnawal Land
Level 8, 121 Marcus Clarke Street
Canberra, ACT z600, Australia
Phone: +61 261080512
Email: canberra@steople.com.au


Nipaluna Land
Phone: +61 361460406
Email: hobart@steople.com.au


Gadigal Land
Level 11, 66 Clarence Street
Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
Phone: +61 280145890
Email: sydney@steople.com.au


Turrbal Land
Phone: +61 721132554
Email: brisbane@steople.com.au


Level 26, HSBC Tower
188 Quay Street
Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Phone: +64 93633875
Email: auckland@steople.co.nz


Steopte Group, LLC
103 W Apache St, #101A
Norman OK 73069
Phone: +1 4052310940
Email: info@steoplegroup.com